Monday, July 12, 2010

10 stories, 100 days=Success!

Well...I did it! I accomplished my goal of writing 10 stories in 100 days. I am so excited about this and I think I am going to reward myself with a subscription to The Writer magazine.

Here are the stories I wrote for my challenge including links so you can read any you missed:

1. Dancing with Ghosts

2. Teagan in the Labyrinth
3. The Song of the Whippoorwill
4. Holding my Heart in my Hands
5. Seven and a Half Photographs (with Sarah VanOrd Photography)
6. A Snip Away
7. The Lion and the Swan
8. In the Garden of the Gnomes
9. Yellow
10. Sisterhood (with Sarah VanOrd Photography)

Feel free to comment on any of the stories, comments help me grow and become a better writer.