Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good day!

So just a quick blog to update you on the status of my story. Last night I started my first story for our challenge. It is coming out a little dark and depressing, but at least it's something. I have about 2 pages typed and I am guessing it will only end up being another 5 pages or so. It is not turning out my favorite, but that's ok. It's all about the practice.

So here are some blogs you should check out for some artsy stuff.


And YAY for Nathalie for doing this challenge with me!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I started my story last night too. I've got a notebook so I can take my stuff with me to class and during dinner I can write in it. Which only reminds me of when I used to do that in High School, especially at Waynesville. You know I still have that Beatles meets the monkees story? Lol!
